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14 Jul


Happy Father’s Day!

18 Jun

I know the boys aren’t always the best behaved, and goodness knows we never get much of a break, but we all LOVE you Daddy!

Happy Father’s Day!


National Capital Race Weekend!

27 May

Scott ran the 10K (along with 9,999 other people, 10K running 10K) during the National Capital Race Weekend tonight. He did okay for not having run for the last few months.

Very proud of you Daddy!



Carson says next year he wants to run too! Maybe we’ll make it a family run.

Happy Birthday Scottie Too Hottie!

13 Apr

Today, I woke up next to a 44 year old man, good thing it was my husband!

Happy Birthday Scottie Too Hottie! (I dragged that old nickname out, polished it off and am going to us it ALL DAY LONG! Good thing we won’t be in meetings together today! 😃

Love you babe, even if you did make me feel guilt about going out to lunch with my co-workers instead of having lunch with you, on your birthday! Such guilt. In my defense, he didn’t actually ask me to lunch until this morning, and we are taking him out for supper. And my lunch is for a co-worker who is taking another job!

I am a bad wife. Did I mention I didn’t get him a present? I really do suck at this wife thing!

His mother and father thankfully did not forget to get him something!

